Friday, March 23, 2012

Some Designs

Here are some of my designs I have done for my design classes so far. I am trying to figure out which designs I want to put into my portfolio. Some still need some work but let me know which ones are your favorites. :) thanks

(Just to be safe: These Images are Copyrighted to Camille Evans Design. Please do not use any of these images without first contacting me for approval. Thank you)

Fashion Ad

Book Cover Design

Website Design

Poster Ad

Poster Ad

Series Propaganda Posters

Series Ads

(Just to be safe: These Images are Copyrighted to Camille Evans Design. Please do not use any of these images without first contacting me for approval. Thank you)


  1. very impressive. That's a lot of work. You have some really great ideas and execution. They look professional :)

  2. which are your favs? I am asking because my professor said to ask people who's opinion you trust and ask which ones are their favs because if you have one piece that everyone says in their fav, you don't have a good portfolio. Im just doing some things that my professor told us to do, not just trying to get compliments ;) lol
